create a new story

Rewriting different stages of your Life

In this course you get to rewire your conditioning in your life and especially around your sexuality from different phases of your life.

We don’t necessarily need to go all the way back in time to remember all that happened in this stage but we are rather calling forth in the present moment, imprinting in that phase of our life, rewiring and reworking it to reclaim that phase in a healthy and powerful way. 

During each stage you are guided through a process to identify imprinting, wiring and conditioning from each stage giving the opportunity to release it and re-imprint it into your life.

In any of these 5 stages it is possible to reclaim your body and sexuality. You are restoring the ability to play and a sense of awe and gratitude. Restore pleasure and experience it free flowing through your body. Powerful rewiring that creates your sexual new reality.

This practices are potent. They are extracted from the full course:

”The Portal into The Feminine”

This this will bring you into essence of sensual feminine power,
where you remember the grace, power and magic of being a woman.

My approach is highly practical and mystical in equal parts.


You receive powerful practices. We use modern neurobiology, holistic healing tools and modern coaching and infuse it with powerful and ancient teachings from the Tantra and Tao tradition.

Through practices that show you how to touch on your deeper wisdom, unlock your sexual energy and create more safety, love and wholeness.


I have supported hundreds of women that want to step into a life that feels m o r e alive, more true to their nature and aligned with their gifts. On how to overcome their blocks & self-doubt and to own their strength & vision.

THIS JOURNEY IS NOT ABOUT CHANGING WHO YOU ARE. It is about bringing out your unique qulities & gifts .


this course is created with so much love and

after using these practices and tools with clients over the years, having them in my own life and experiencing them blow me open,

I truly want for every women to experience them and herself in such a profound way.



topics covered in the course

- the Foundation

heart awakening (incl. breast massage)

The course is built so that we create a really strong foundation. Focusing on Safety, Trust & Self Love. We’ll amplify your confidence as a woman by learning how to hold yourself in love - no matter what and feel safe in your body. Science has shown that it is possible to rewrite beliefs & patterns when your body feels its safe.

the 4 Stages of life & sexuality

releasing of old identity

& creating your new reality

This is the core piece of the course, so powerful and will change your life! You will get to discover the roles and beliefs that you have created in different stages and phases in your life & your sexuality that have been holding you back and are no longer serving you. AND embracing your true self in all aspects of your life incl. your empowered sexuality. You will be guided through a science backed process to identify old and limiting beliefs to release it and re-wire them into your life.

The phases we’ll explore are:

Inner Baby - Innocence Practice

Inner Child - Playfulness Practice

Inner Teenager - Honoring & Boundaries Practice

Adult Woman or gender non-conforming person - Pleasure Practice

Sacred Sexuality


If you’ve been hungry for more – this is for you.

you deserve this

A huge part in this portal is to to connect you with women from all around the world, so you can truly meet your soul sisters and find your tribe.

We are stronger together, and there is nothing more magical than sisterhood.

This portal will let you remember & connect to the ancient wisdom of women’s feminine magic.


this is An online course that is pre- recorded. You can schedule additional 1:1 support with me.

Dive into the practices at your own pace as a self-study course.



  • I have a busy schedule, i am worried i don’t have enough time.

    • This feeling is the reason you THIS program IS FOR YOU.

    • Making time for yourself and and your needs is so essential and it will ripple out into the quality of all your relationships (romantic, work, family, friends). If you devote one hour a week to this program, your life will dramatically change.

    • The beauty of this online portal is, that everything is recorded and you can always come back to it, re-watch, practice, apply anytime.

  • Do I need any experience or knowledge to join?

    • No, you do not. Everyone is welcomed exactly where they are on their journey. Everything is explained in detail from the beginning. You can join the program with zero knowledge or experience about any of the topics. You'll learn it all here. 

  • Will the course be held in English?

    • Yes, the course content is in English - since we are an international community.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Refunds will not be issued. We’re confident that the content is mind expanding, heart opening and soul nourishing, that you really, truly won’t want to leave!

i celebrate you for being here and reaching the end of the page!

please feel encouraged to reach out to me with any questions you have and/or to connect and see if it’s a good fit for you.