Certified Reiki Level 2 Training
Upcoming Reiki Level 1 & 2 Course:
March 25th & 26th, 2025 - in Ubud (10 Spots available)
Next Reiki Courses
Apr 14th & 15th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
Jun 5th & 6th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
The Reiki system of healing by Usui is a wonderful way to access the natural healing powers within you and to consciously listen to the inner healer. There is Level 1-3 - in each Level a sacred initiation called "attunement" is given by me, which opens up & purifies the chakras and meridians (energy center’s and channels), cleanses the subtle body, releases limiting beliefs and prepares you to channel Reiki Healing Energy. The ability to tap into this healing energy for others and yourself will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Reiki Level 2
With the initiation into the second level of Reiki you will receive access to greater energy, develop your understanding and deepen your connection to the practice of Reiki. It introduces new techniques which work with ancient symbols. These are extremly powerful and have been kept secret until not too long ago. We dive into the emotional and mental levels of healing.
The initiation into the second Level of Reiki will change you. It will increase the power and intensity of the healings and in order to do this, we ourselves must undertake healing.
Following the attunement it is recommended that you start a 21 day self-cleansing and healing period, by giving yourself a Reiki self-treatment each day for 21 days. In this process you will go through a deep dive and notice a clearing of emotional baggage,
What you will learn:
Activate and apply the three sacred symbols
Heal on a mental and emotional level
How to use the symbols to provide Reiki treatments long distance, to heal situations from the past, and to use Reiki for the future
Level 2 self-treatment techniques
Level 2 treatment techniques for others
Create energetic boundaries to protect
Increase your sensitivity to energies and trust your intuition
Working as a Reiki Practitioner professionally
Learning to feel energetic imbalances and areas which need healing
Cleansing & grounding rituals
Discovering boundaries & setting energetical protection
Rituals / Intention
Consultations and emotional process work with clients
This course can great as a way to enhance personal growth and/or work on any imbalances and discomfort within yourself or those around you.
If you are wanting to add Reiki to your current therapy practice or wanting to begin your own Reiki practice, you will benefit highly from this course.
Learn how to use Reiki Energy on yourself and others
Explore the intelligence of your body
Guided through techniques to help you access your intuition
Learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others
Explore multiple methods for performing Reiki from a distance
Heal unwanted patterns and learn how to manifest your goals
Learn about the chakra energy systems in the body
Practice using the Reiki symbols for power, release, transcending
time/space and to connect with your insightful self
Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Hawaya K. Takata
Phyllis Lei Furumoto
Ma Deva Subuddhi. (Carell Ann Farmer)
Ma Deva Pyaso (Eileen Dezouche)
Juliette Munro
Catherine Wheeler
Melani Koch
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Testimonal from Hallie:
I did the Reiki Level 1 & 2 Courses with Melani. She had such a huge positive impact on my life, both as a coach and a teacher. She is an amazing, open and caring person who instantly puts you on ease and feel like you've known forever. She is very dedicated and knowledgeble and shared so much incredible wisdom, it blew my mind without overwhelming me. She always gave time for questions and asked each of us if we want to share. Not only we learnt a lot, but we all bonded in a very special way. We practiced Distance Healing on each other which was again so magical, we all thought we can’t do it, but we all had an amazing experience. I appreciate that the groups are max 6 ppl. and we get ongoing support from her. I can’t thank you enough, you are an Angel.
- Hallie P, Germany
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next REIKI LEVEL 1 & 2 In Ubud, Bali
March 24th & 25th, 2025 - in Ubud
Apr 14th & 15th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
Jun 5th & 6th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
Sep 4th & 5th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
Oct 3rd & 4th, 2025 at the yogabarn in Ubud
Full day of teachings & practice
Reiki Level 2 CertificatE
Reiki Level 2 Attunement
A beautiful & Comprehensive manual
Ongoing Support from your
Reiki Master/ Teacher Melani Koch
A Check-In after 3 Weeks
Reiki Healing playlist
monthly Online Reiki Circles
fill out the form
if you have any questions:
Online Reiki Course:
Is it possible to learn how to do Reiki online via webcam training? Yes! The founder, Dr. Mikao Usui passed on attunements simply by sitting in meditation with his students. There was no physical contact, not many words only an energetic transmission.
Reiki Level 2 Online Course:
follow this link to sign up
- Melani Koch, Reiki Master -
About me
I live in Ubud, Bali and work at the Yogabarn, one of the oldest and well established places in Bali for Yoga & Healing.
As a certified Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui systems of energy healing. Our experiences around spirituality, self-healing and giving healing treatments to others is an extremely individual process.
One-on-one mentoring is provided in every course and I am always available to my students for follow-up questions and further guidance.
I am originally from Switzerland and offer Healings in German & English.
Love, Melani
I may humbly share some reference from my wonderful clients:
I did the Reiki Level 1 & 2 Courses with Melani. She had such a huge positive impact on my life, both as a coach and a teacher. She is an amazing, open and caring person who instantly puts you on ease and feel like you've known forever. She is very dedicated and knowledgeble and shared so much incredible wisdom, it blew my mind without overwhelming me. She always gave time for questions and asked each of us if we want to share. Not only we learnt a lot, but we all bonded in a very special way. We practiced Distance Healing on each other which was again so magical, we all thought we can’t do it, but we all had an amazing experience. I appreciate that the groups are max 6 ppl. and we get ongoing support from her. I can’t thank you enough, you are an Angel.
- Hallie P, Germany
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I had the pleasure to do both, Reiki Level 1 + 2 Courses, with Melani. It was like coming home for me.
Melani is an angel in human disguise. The way she introduced me / the group to Reiki made me fall in love with this healing technique. She met everyone on eye level with so much passion, compassion and love. Even though these were group online courses, I felt seen and the connection was real and tangible. While teaching, she held the space so beautifully that I felt safe to express at any time. With her vast knowledge she hands out everything you need to know about Reiki. She gives out structures you can use and offers the needed freedom to create your own relationship with the Reiki energy, you will miss out on nothing.
After both of the courses followed a 3 week cleansing process, through which Melani was there for our group. And she really was interested in what was coming up for us.
The impact these trainings with Melani had on me, are incredible. I left confident enough to use this healing art not only for myself but also to offer reiki healings to others. I left the courses feeling inspired and capable. I could not have thought of a better teacher, spaceholder and guide than her.
I would take this course over and over again and I totally recommend it. This will add so much healing, joy and magic to your life.
Rebecca B. , Switzerland
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Reiki Level 1 und Level 2 haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Melani unterrichtet die Kurse mit soviel Liebe das man sich einfach umarmt und aufgehoben fühlt. Sie erklärt sehr verständlich und einfach und hat mir so eine Menge Druck, den ich mir selber mache, weggenommen. Was mir auch sehr geholfen hat, dass Sie viel über Ihre Erfahrungen erzählt hat und so viele Fragen bereits beantwortet wurden ohne diese zu stellen. Auch die Unterlagen die wir bekommen haben sind sehr gut zusammen gestellt und einfach und klar erklärt und sind eine grosse Hilfe. Sehr gut gefallen hat mir, dass wir Fernreiki direkt ausprobieren konnten und direkt ein Feedback vom Partner erhalten haben und dieses dann auch noch mit Melani besprechen konnten.
Auch nach dem Kurs konnte ich mich mit meinen Fragen an Melani wenden. Ich würde jedem empfehlen, der die Reiki Ausbildung machen möchte, die Kurse von Melani zu absolvieren, da ich Melani als sehr kompetent, liebevoll und voller Leidenschaft für Reiki erlebt habe. Ich kann mich nur von ganz tiefem Herzen bedanken.
- Karin F., Switzerland
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Melani connects & shares effortlessly and effectively during her Reiki Trainings from Bali. While imparting all the necessary knowledge of Reiki Level 1+2 with grace and mastery. During her training she also went above and beyond to provide real and practical tools to support me on my business journey. The tools she shared with me not only benefit my life now but continue to show up in my work with my friends, family and clients! I am so honored, grateful and blessed to have connecting with Melani for her Reiki trainings as they have helped me to become a greater version of myself.”
-Cameron Nagashima, Seattle US
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I did my Reiki Training with Melani. I feel like I have constant support from her, which is very important on my path. I feel so inspired to share Reiki with others now. The class was so beautiful & intimate; we bond as a group and it’s really relaxed so you can ask questions at any time and also share with the group when you want. I felt very comfortable and learned so much in a fun and great atmosphere.Melani is also a super great example of how to manifest your dreams, which is inspiring. Clearly she is meant to be doing this work. - Sheril A, Switzerland
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