Demonstration Reiki Hand Positions:


Dr. Usui himself did not use formalized hand positions;

he used Reiki intuitively and on whatever trouble spots the patient complained of.

It is beneficial to start with some guidance on the hand positions. It will help your intuition. Don’t get hung up on the hand positions; this is a practice of intention, and the client will draw the frequencies required automatically to the right place. no matter where your hands are placed.

The Original Seven Japanese Hand Positions

Hayashi developed seven standard hand positions that are based on the acupuncture meridians taught in traditional Japanese Reiki:

The Eyes – Reiki the eyes from behind, with the fingertips resting gently on the fleshy tissue below each eye and pointing directly down. The entry points for the bladder, stomach and gall bladder meridians are located around the eyes and terminate in the feet.

The Temples – This position covers parts of the gall bladder and the triple heater meridians.

The Occiput – The fingertips are in contact with several meridian points, including the gall bladder. This area is a major gathering point for tension.

The Clavicle – Place hands over the collar bones with fingers meeting in the middle. Several Yin meridians, including the stomach, connect at the centre of the clavicle.

Lower Ribs – Place your Hands with the fingertips of the left hand meeting the heel of the right hand at the tip of the sternum (the exit point of the liver meridian).

Shoulders – Place your hands under the shoulder blades, an area that carries most of the Yang energy to and from the head. The small intestine and gall bladder meridians pass through here.

Lower Back – Standing to the left, carefully place left hand with palm up under the back in the solar plexus area. Place right hand on patient’s left shoulder. This connects with an important ‘water’ point.

Additional Hand Positions:

  • One hand on the forehead and one on the heart -– have the intention that the energies of the head and heart come into balance. Sometimes the client will experience a strong release when this position is used.

  • Place both hands on the hip bones and run the energy through the body laterally. This is where women carry their issues around sexuality, judgment, guilt and pain.

  • The spine – have the client in fetal position with a cushion between their knees. Place your hands over the affected area, or place one hand on the top vertebrae and the other on the coccyx and run the energy between your hands up and down the spine.

  • From joint to joint -– shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist. Hip to knee, knee to ankle. To release tension, pain, traumas in the joints.

  • The feet – hold both feet and imagine the energy running from the infinite space through the crown down out of their feet into the center of the earth.This balances the energy of the whole body. Clears and cleanses the energy field as well as the aura.