Aligned & ALIVE

free somatic Ritual - REPLAY

If you`ve found your way here, chances are you are feeling the highs and lows of life deeply. Maybe you have been pushing through to make it all work and giving more of yourself to others than you´ve been giving to yourself.

I created Alive & Aligned to offer a sacred space where you finally prioritize yourself, reconnect with your body, and fill your cup first.

This journey is all about reconnecting to yourself, your trust, your aliveness and the wisdom and gifts you hold within.


is a taster for the upcoming Alive & Aligned - 4 week group program, so you can experience the amazing benefits immediately and feel first hand the impact and power of a women’s community.

Even if you aren’t interested in joining “Alive & Aligned” you will be leaving this ritual with a practice that you can implement into your life to experience profound shifts.


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Alive & Aligned

The 4 weeks of rituals to Align with your radiance & feel deeply Connected to your heart, body and soul.

Week 1: Radiant Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit

we will do a powerful practice to align to your natural state of health. You can bring your fears, worries or complaints you experience in your body and we will reset it to a new vibration.

Week 2: Self-Love and Connection

Practices & rituals that guide you to love and trust yourself. Connect to your body and your sensuality in new ways and create a sacred relationship with your womb and breasts (incl. breast massage)

Week 3: Expression Through Movement

Through Somatic Practices - you’ll find freedom in your body and expression, release big emotions + shake off stuckness. This week is about reconnecting with your body, releasing stress and allowing joy and self-expression to come forward naturally.

Week 4: Receiving and romanticizing Life

Learn the art of receiving. In A L L the ways. Connect to your senses, anatomy and design your own pleasure ritual. We’ll focus on indulging in and appreciating the gifts that come your way.

Join us for the free workshop to experience this first step. Sign up today and reconnect with the essence of who you are!