the feminine portal - melani koch

It´s here love

Two days ago, you took part in the Giveaway to walk through the Feminine Portal doors with a very special and limited time discount of 50%!!

This is me  lifting up the red velvet rope, and bringing you straight to the front of the line to claim your spot.

You are getting 50% off the regular price for the feminine portal from now for 24 hours!! 


Special Giveaway: $610

YOu and your two friends receive 50% off the regular Price

$610 instead of $1220 Regular!!

  • 10 weeks of transformation, healing & empowerment (Value: priceless)

  • 10+ powerful modules & workbooks (Value: $1000)

  • 10x 90min live group teaching & coaching calls (Value: $2200)

  • Includes sharing circles to connect with like-minded women (Value: priceless)

  • Lots of bonus magic along the way (Value: $500)

  • If you can’t make it live, no problem, everything will be recorded so you can watch back whenever you like.


$3’700 OF VALUE IS YOURS FOR $610 instead of $1220!

Sign up here for your


Special Giveaway

10 weeks of transformational portal

10x 90min live group teaching & coaching calls

& Lots of Bonus Practices

$ 610 USD


A 10 week online journey into feminine energetics, self love & sacred sexuality. 

combining coaching tools and spirituality with modern neurobiology, tantra and pure, raw authentic connection.

what could possibly sound better than that?


We start October 17th

The Live Group Teaching Calls are held weekly on Thursday at 4pm (Bali Time Zone)













What we focus on: 

You can read the entire course modules here, but in a nutshell :

the feminine portal

a journey of the soul for the most magical women.

An 8 week journey into feminine energetics, self love & sacred sexuality.

When you step into this portal you are opening up into the most exciting chapter of a woman’s life - the portal of your feminine power.

Come home to your essence of sensual feminine power,
where you remember the grace, power and magic of being a woman.

This portal invites you to celebrate the full spectrum of this human experience, from pure spirituality, raw authentic expression to sexual energy.

My approach is highly practical and mystical in equal parts.

Over 8 weeks you receive powerful practices and brilliant wisdom from teachings of different traditions that every woman should experience.

We use modern neurobiology, holistic healing tools and modern coaching and infuse it with powerful and ancient teachings from the Tantra and Tao tradition.

Through practices that show you how to touch on your deeper wisdom, unlock your sexual energy and create more safety, love and wholeness.


Hi love, my name is Melani and I want to offer something powerful to you.


I have supported hundreds of women that want to step into a life that feels m o r e alive, more true to their nature and aligned with their gifts. On how to overcome their blocks & self-doubt and to own their strength & vision.

after using these practices and tools with clients over the years, having them in my own life and experiencing them blow me open,

I truly want for every women to experience them and herself in such a profound way.

topics covered in the course

1 - the initiation

heart awakening & Body Love (incl. breast massage)

This might be the most important piece of the course - The course is built so that we create a really strong foundation. Focusing on Safety, Trust & Self Love. We’ll amplify your confidence as a woman by learning how to hold yourself in love - no matter what and feel safe in your body. Science has shown that it is possible to rewrite beliefs & patterns when your body feels its safe.

2 - the Radiance Ritual

Radiance & confidence

Practices & rituals that guide you to see, love and trust in yourself, your body and your sexuality in new ways. Surprisingly simple and tested by hundreds of women. This will support you to transform your body, nervous system and your entire reality at profound levels. It works & it’s so simple, you will want to share it with all the women around you.

3 - the awakening

releasing of old identity

& creating your new reality

( 4 stages of life & sexuality - duration 2 weeks)

This is the core piece of the course, so powerful and will change your life! In this module you will get to discover the roles and beliefs that you have created in different stages and phases in your life & your sexuality that have been holding you back and are no longer serving you. AND embracing your true self in all aspects of your life incl. your empowered sexuality. You will be guided through a science backed process to identify old and limiting beliefs to release it and re-wire them into your life.

4 - Sacred Union

feminine & Masculine energetics

Sacred Union in the outside world is a reflection of the sacred union within. Your inner feminine and inner masculine have been created by what you learned at a young age about these dynamics. The core of this process is that you will get to release patterns that aren’t in alignment with your essence. You will meet and create sacred union between your inner feminine and inner masculine

5 - Soul alchemy

Coming into alignment with your soul

In this module you will experience is a powerful soul journey where your higher self will guide you and reveal profound parts of yourself. Translating your discoveries in aligned action and living fully expressed through that. You will learn a practice that will continuously support you in your life to experience profound shifts.

6 - feminine wisdom

energetics & intuition

You’ll discover what makes certain women irresistibly magnetic while others struggle to feel truly radiant. Chemistry and attraction is based on energy. You will learn in very subtle ways how to move and understand energy to become the most alive, healthy, integrated version of yourself. You will experience how to self-source your own energy & pleasure so that it supercharges all areas of your life, from work to relationships.

7 - sex magic

pleasure practice for manifestation

You will learn the ingredients to manifestation and how to harness the power of sexual energy to realize your deepest desires from an aligned place.

8 - receive, receive , receive

pleasure, love, abundance all the way

Full - Open - Alive - true expression of you.

In this module we create a new paradigm of permission.

You will have fun here, I promise.

Let me surprise you with this one!

These deep practices take you to profound places within you.

They will allow you to follow the thread of your essence towards your highest good/ your highest potential.

From ancient mystical practices to very grounded and practical wisdom, your feminine will indulge in spiritual teachings and your masculine will be so satisfied will the logical sequence to your transformation.


My heart is so bigggg knowing that so many of you are about to receive these teachings.

drop into the mysterious field of feminine energy, sacred sexuality and deep self-love with us.


  • What time are the calls?

    • The Live Teaching & Coaching Calls will be scheduled according to the timezones of our feminine portal participants. So far they scheduled for Thursday 4pm Bali Time .

  • I have a busy schedule, i am worried i don’t have enough time.

    • This feeling is the reason THIS program IS FOR YOU.

    • Making time for yourself and and your needs is so essential and it will ripple out into the quality of all your relationships (romantic, work, family, friends). If you devote one hour a week to this program, your life will dramatically change.

    • The beauty of this online portal is, that everything is recorded and you can always come back to it, re-watch, practice, apply anytime.

  • Do I need any experience or knowledge to join?

    • No, you do not. Everyone is welcomed exactly where they are on their journey. Everything is explained in detail from the beginning. You can join the program with zero knowledge or experience about any of the topics. You'll learn it all here. 

  • Will the course be held in English?

    • Yes, the course content is in English - since we are an international community, you are more than welcome to post in your preferred language in our Facebook group and connect with other people who speak your language.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Refunds will not be issued. We’re confident that the content is mind expanding, heart opening and soul nourishing, that you really, truly won’t want to leave!

i celebrate you already

you made it to the end of the page - there is something here for you.

the one thing

i hear over and over again from the women in my space is,

how much they feel supported in this safe space of healing and celebration of who they are. This is a space of non-judgement with full-permission to bring out parts of yourself that you have never had the courage to! We will celebrate ALL of you!

so please feel encouraged to reach out to me with any questions you have and/or to connect and see if it’s a good fit for you: