confidence & selfworth

confidence & selfworth

melani koch energy healings selfworth

I don't want you to hide anymore.
I don't want you to ever give someone else the power to feel less than your worth.
A lot of people i have been working with and speaking to, have the same focus:
Inviting more confidence & selfworth into their life. and it's really not a question of age or sex.
for women its often putting other people before themselves. And men are not excluded, often for men and it is that they put work before themselves.

today we worked on the layers of self confidence & self worth:

3. Surface Level
- its the way other people see you. (and its easy to fake)

2. Lifestyle Level
- external things that give you confidence like your job, hobbies, look, clothes, house, money. (and can disappear/be taken away)
On what external do I rely on for my self confidence?
this can be looks, job, money, recognition, ...
1. Core Level (selflove)
What's there, when everything external leaves?
How good am I making me feel? ..... See your strength & gifts and open up to your power and greatness. Figure out your values & beliefs. Become closer to yourself by asking yourself "how do i feel? ", "is this what i really want?",
"what would i love to do? "
"What fulfilles me?" "what will make me feel good? "
and ask as much as you can.

One of the most important for me: Awareness of the power of your thoughts and words.
#bali #ubud #personalgrowth #love