Journaling & Shadow Alchemy Practice

*** If you can, do this practice before turning your phone on***

  • ​My Vision: How I want to go through life: What do I want to call into my life? This can be your overarching vision or your vision of the day.

  • ​My Why: Why do you want that to manifest?

  • If I knew it would have already happened, then:

  • ​How would I stop myself/What would Stop me from being in my Fullest Expression and Power toward my vision today???: Feel into your body and write down anything that comes up.

  • ​SHADOW ALCHEMY PRACTICE (See video below for example)

  • Gratitude Journaling: Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for that day.



After it's clear what would stop you from being the highest expression of YOU toward your vision today, you are going to MOVE with it. BE with it. Let it take up space.

  • ​The reason is this: we can't bypass it!

  • ​Often the very thing that would stop you is the very thing pushing you to awaken, to evolve, to see it. And there are always powerful gems there.

  • ​Our shadow alchemy practice can be summed up with these three words: MOVEMENT, BREATH, + SOUND.

​Yes, you get to identify your blocks and then not only do the mindset work, but become your own energy healer and get to town inside your bod.

  • ​Your body holds those contractions unless we let them out.

  • ​There are 5 energetics you will learn that are really powerful MOVERS of the blocks. Let's go into those now.

  • LIGHT ENERGY: Loving, accepting, and being with what is. Holding yourself where you're at. Moving energy through asking, through softness, and through divine light.

  • DARK ENERGY: COMMANDING energy to leave your body. Saying no. Putting down a foot. Telling it to leave.

  • LIGHT SEXUALITY: Loving yourself through touch. Sensuality and sensation focused. Reminding yourself who you are through erotic innocence.

  • ​DARK SEXUALITY: Commanding sexual energy. Dominant. Forceful for love.

  • EMOTIONAL PROCESSING: Screaming/releasing through the throat + stomping/kicking with the feet + punching a pillow/the bed with your hands.

  • Don't worry if it's a little foreign to you at first. The more you practice the more you start to understand how to work with these things.

  • ​**tip:: don't think and just tune in to where your physical body is holding pain/stagnation/inflammation and work with the energetics there... knowing the physical body is a representation of the mental and emotional.

  • ​Once you have identified the things that might hold you back and you're ready to move, choose a song and GO!