Kriya for elevation

The following video has been recorded without too much talking and explanation so you can watch ever morning.

Below you find detailed explanation to each Asana and Mantra.

Sun Salutations

Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations

A sacred prayer to the Sun and Earth. This sequence not only wakes up the body but also “calls us to stretch our minds and spirits to the corners of the universe, allowing us to feel connected with ourselves and the universe.

While you reach your arms up connect to the live giving energy of the sun and sky and when you fold forward you bow in deep gratitude and reference to the earth. ———————————————————————

As we sweep our arms up and bow forward, we honor the earth, the heavens, and all of life in between that is nourished by the breath cycle. As we lower our bodies, we connect with the earth. As we rise up from the earth, we stretch through the atmosphere once more, reaching for the sky. As we bring our hands together in Namaste, we gather the space of the heavens back into our heart and breath, acknowledging that our body forms the center point between heaven and earth.


It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras.

  1. Tune in: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

    (to tune in to higher consciousness at the beginning of every Kundalini yoga class. When translated from Sanskrit, it means “I bow to the Creative Wisdom within, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.”)

    Explanation Breath of Fire

    Breath of Fire is an equal inhale and exhale through the nose, the breath is quick and powerful focusing on the EQUAL rhythm at the nostrils.

    Explanation Bandhas (with energetic locks to seal the energy within the central energy channel)

    • Mula Bandha: The Root lock - is a contraction of the muscles of the pelvic floor. it pushes energy up toward your navel while also preventing too much of it from leaking out.

    • Uddiyana Bandha: Upward Abdominal Lock - Helps energy rise up through the center of your core. This bandha lifts energy, but it also intensifies upward energy from Mula Bandha and downward energy from Jalandhara Bandha.

    • Jalandhara Bandha: The Chin lockRestricts the upward flow of energy and directs energy down toward your navel when locked with your chin toward your chest.

    • Maha Bandha: The great lock - Mula Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha are engaged together, upward and downward energy meet at your navel. With the application of Uddiyana Bandha at your belly, the energies increase to awaken prana for purifying purposes.

  2. First Asana - Ego Eradicator

    This exercise opens the lungs, brings the hemispheres of the brain to a state of alertness, and consolidates the magnetic field.

    Sit in Easy Pose. Raise the arms to a 60 degree angle. Curl the fingertips onto the pads at the base of the fingers. Plug the thumbs into the sky.

    Close the eyes, concentrate above the head, and do Breath of Fire.

  3. Spine Flex

    This exercise stimulates and stretches the lower and mid-spine.

    Sitting in Easy Pose, grasp the shins with both hands. As you inhale, flex the spine forward and lift the chest. As you exhale, flex the spine back, keeping the shoulders relaxed and the head straight.

    Continue rhythmically with deep breaths

  4. Spinal Twist

    This exercise also stimulates and stretches the lower and mid-spine.

    In Easy Pose, grab the shoulders, with the thumbs in back and the fingers in front. Keep the elbows high, with the arms parallel to the ground.

    Inhale as you twist the head and torso to the left. Exhale as you twist to the right

  5. Front Life Nerve Stretch

    This exercise works on the lower and upper spine.

    Stretch both legs straight out in front. Grab the toes in finger lock. (Index finger and middle finger pull the toe, and the thumb presses the nail of the big toe.

    Exhale as you lengthen the core of the spine, bending forward from the navel, continuing to lengthen the spine. The head follows last.

    Inhale, use the legs to push up. The head comes up last.

    Continue with deep, powerful breathing

  6. Modified Maha Mudra

    This exercise helps elimination, stretches the sciatic nerve and brings circulation to the upper torso.

    Sit with the right heel tucked into the perineum and the left leg extended forward. Grasp the big toe of the left foot with both hands, applying a pressure against the toenail. Pull Neck Lock.

    Exhale, bring the elbows to the ground as you lengthen the spine, bending forward from the navel, continuing to lengthen the spine, bringing the head to the knee. Spine stays straight.

    Hold this posture with Breath of Fire 

  7. Life Nerve Stretch

    This exercise develops flexibility of the lower spine and sacrum and charges the magnetic field.

    Spread the legs wide, grasping the toes as in Front Life Nerve Stretch. Inhale and stretch the spine straight, pulling back on the toes.

    Exhale and, bending at the waist, bring the head down to the left knee.

    Inhale up in the center position and exhale down, bringing up the head to the right knee.

    Continue with powerful breathing

  8. Center Stretch

    Then inhale up in the center position and exhale, bending straight forward from the waist touching the forehead to the floor.

  9. Cobra Pose

    This exercise balances the sexual energy and draws the prana to balance apana so that the kundalini energy can circulate to the higher centers in the following exercises.

    Lie on the stomach with the palms flat on the floor under the shoulders. The heels are together with the soles of the feet facing up.

    Inhale into Cobra Pose, arching the spine, vertebra by vertebra, from the neck to the base of the spine until the arms are straight. Begin Breath of Fire

  10. Shoulder Shrugs

    This exercise balances the upper chakras and opens the hormonal gate to the higher brain centers.

    Sit in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the knees.

    Inhale and shrug the shoulders up toward the ears. Exhale and drop the shoulders down. Continue rhythmically with powerful breathing

  11. Neck Rolls

    The shoulders remain relaxed and motionless. The neck should be allowed to gently stretch as the head circles around.

    Sit in Easy Pose. Begin rolling the head clockwise in a circular motion, bringing the right ear toward the right shoulder, the back of the head toward the back of the neck, the left ear toward the left shoulder and the chin toward the chest. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes.

    Reverse the direction of the neck rolls

  12. Sat Kriya

    Sat Kriya circulates the kundalini energy through the cycle of the chakras, aids in digestion, and strengthens the nervous system.

    Sit on the heels with the arms overhead and the palms together.

    Interlace the fingers except for the index fingers, which point straight up. Men cross the right thumb over the left thumb; women cross the left thumb over the right.

    Begin to chant ‘Sat Naam’ emphatically in a constant rhythm about 8 times per 10 seconds. Chant the sound ‘Sat’ from the navel point and solar plexus, and pull the navel all the way in and up. On ‘Naam’ relax the navel.

  13. Savasana

    Deep relaxation allows you to enjoy and consciously integrate the mind/body changes which have been brought about during the practice of this kriya. It allows you to sense the extension of the self through the magnetic field and the aura and allows the physical body to deeply relax.