Morning Kundalini Yoga Practice

The following video has been recorded without too much talking and explanation so you can watch ever morning.

Below you find detailed explanation to each Asana and Mantra.

  1. Tune in: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

    (to tune in to higher consciousness at the beginning of every Kundalini yoga class. When translated from Sanskrit, it means “I bow to the Creative Wisdom within, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.”)

  2. Stretch Pose with Breath of Fire (1min)

    (Lie on your back. Place your hands under your lower back for support, lift your head and focus the eyes on the tips of the toes. Begin breath of fire. Breath of Fire is an equal inhale and exhale through the nose, the breath is quick and powerful focusing on the EQUAL rhythm at the nostrils. Hold the position for 1min.)

  3. Bridge Pose - deep breathing (1min)

    (Lying on your back, place your feet flat on the floor, a comfortable distance away from the hips · Place your arms next to the ribcage, pressing your inner feet and arms actively into the floor, push your tailbone upward toward the ceiling, breathe into your heart and let the energy that you just established in your core flow into your heart)

  4. Cobra with synchronized Breath-Arm Movement (1min)

    (Change lying on your belly, inhale into Cobra Pose, arching the spine, vertebra by vertebra, from the neck to the base of the spine until the arms are straight. With you inhalation lift one arm, exhale release it back down, inhale the other and continue for 1 minute

  5. Heart Meditation (11min)

    For a balanced and calm heart open to give and receive. Left hand in Gyan Mudra with the pad of the index finger touching the pad of the thumb. The other fingers of the left hand are straight. Right hand infront of the heart in a light cup. Focus your gaze to your third eye point and breath long and deep

  6. Downward facing dog with Sat Nam (3min)

    Come to all fours, tuck your toes and press your hips direction sky, keep your knees bent as much as you need to keep a straight spine. Repeat out loud Sat Nam, which means "I am truth" or "Truth is my identity". Pull in your belly button on “Sat” release on “Nam”.

  7. Laya Meditiation (see video and explanation below)

Laya Mantra Meditation:


Laya Mantra Meditation

This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings the soul and destiny present. It lets your activity serve your purpose. It makes you creative and focused on your real priorities.

The word Laya refers to suspension from the ordinary world. Laya Yoga fixes your attention and energy on your essence and higher consciousness without normal distractions and attachments having power over your reactive awareness.

The mantra has a structure of 3½ cycles in its spin. Don’t get too hung up on it. I demonstrate in the beginning of the video where yu energetically lift on each "eeeh" sound lifts the diaphragm which commutes the energy of prana and apana across the heart area. That transformation is one cycle. The 3½ cycle is the pulse rhythm of the kundalini itself. This is why the kundalini is often represented as coiled 3½ times.

This mantra takes you to the most subtle realm of creativity. It awakens the kundalini force that energizes the whole Creation.

Posture: Sit in Comfortable Meditation Posture, chin is slightly tucked in

Focus: Focus on the Third Eye Point

Mantra: "Ek Ong Kaar-eh" (One Creation Conciousness)

"Sa Ta Na Ma-eh" (True Identity)

"Siree Wa-eh hey Guru" (Great Indescribable Wisdom)

On Ek pull the Navel Point in lightly, and hold. Lift the diaphragm up firmly as you chant each line of the mantra. The “eh” sound is created as the diaphragm powerfully moves up. It is not another pronounced word. Relax the Navel Point and abdomen on Hey Guru. With the breath, visualize the sound or energy spiraling up from the base of the spine out the top of the head spinning in 3-1/2 spins. (The spin is clockwise as though you are looking down at a clock on the floor.)

Time: Continue for 11min.