Inner Baby Phase - INNOCENCE
Baby phase - you received conditioning in this phase around your body, sensuality. And in this practice you have the opportunity to change the negative rewiring and change it with your truth.
Inner baby- you are going to connect around the conditioning you received around pleasure and your body. so many babies have the innocence and exploration that can be interrupted by conditioning around them. babies in utero touch there genitals, they experience pleasure through breast feeding. babies are sexual beings it freaks out our society and shut down the sensuality. its an innocent exploration in self touch and the body. let it be innocent and pure and safe. imprint what it means to hold safety for a baby.
We don’t necessarily go all the way back in time to remember all that happened in this stage but we are rather calling forth in the present moment, imprinting in that phase of our life, rewiring and reworking it to reclaim that phase in a healthy and powerful way. During each stage you are guided through a process to identify imprinting, wiring and conditioning from each stage giving the opportunity to release it and reimprint it into your life.
Practice: Inner Baby - Innocence - video
Take your time during these practices to always follow your inner wisdom, never push yourself and keep resourcing yourself in safety. honor yourself throughout the process,