ExploRing 5 stages of Life

In this module you get to rewire your conditioning in your life and especially around your sexuality from different phases of your life.

We don’t necessarily need to go all the way back in time to remember all that happened in this stage but we are rather calling forth in the present moment, imprinting in that phase of our life, rewiring and reworking it to reclaim that phase in a healthy and powerful way. 

During each stage you are guided through a process to identify imprinting, wiring and conditioning from each stage giving the opportunity to release it and re-imprint it into your life.

In any of these 5 stages it is possible to reclaim your body and sexuality. You are restoring the ability to play and a sense of awe and gratitude. Restore pleasure and experience it free flowing through your body. Powerful rewiring that creates your sexual new reality.

As this module is potent, it’s split over two weeks so you have enough time for the integration.


Watch below the Introduction Video.

This module is about Self - Exploration. Exploring your conditioned experience of what you learned about going through life and about your body, sexuality and what it means to be a woman. To learn and to rewire and re-imprint your own desired experience of it.

You get to choose, rather than holding onto others’ stories that they’ve taught you and given to you. In this module, we explore developmental and sexual messages through the different phases of your life. (We’re working on your sexuality now, but through the lens of the conditioning and stories you received at each different phase of your life.)

The phases we’ll explore are: baby, young child, teenager, woman or gender non-conforming person (now), and your spiritual sexuality.

We believe that it is possible to change our reality so that we can choose to experience it in a way that is in alignment with our own deepest truth. This is pretty radical for a lot of people! This process empowers you to take responsibility for your own experience, instead waiting for it to show up externally.

You can change your reality by working with your nervous system

Neurons that wire together fire together. Any experiences you’ve associated with one another will trigger one another in your brain. If when you were young, you associated the feeling shame with the experience of sex, then things that remind you of sex will also make you feel shame. That doesn’t mean sex is shameful… it just means that when you were growing up, you saw those two things happening together. When you identify where these systems are in your body and brain, you can uncouple and rewire them.


For the ones that like more written details. This is The Rewiring Process we use:

Step One: Identifying Identify what you want to experience differently.

Step Two: Resourcing This process can only be effective if you feel safe and present in your body. Bring yourself back into your window of tolerance throughout the process, but make sure to start from a place that is resourced, present, and grounded. The key here is presence. Remind yourself, “I am here in a process, and I am safe.”

Step Three: Exploring the Association Explore the sexual experience that you desire to rewire. Use the tools - breathwork, sounding, movement, mindfulness, and energy - to discover what you’ve associated in your system. This shows you what is in your system holding you back.

To rewire something, you have to know how it’s wired now. See if you can feel curious in this step, rather than frustrated or disappointed that you have these associations: can you feel positive that your nervous system has shown you what you need to see so that you can start rewiring this experience?

Step Four: Embody Loving Presence We’ve been taught to judge or push away feelings like shame and guilt. Here, instead, you’re invited to bring loving presence to these feelings. You don’t need to analyze or criticize it; you can just sit and breathe with it in loving presence.

Step Five: Embody Your Experience Use the five tools again to drop into your experience. This allows you to transform reality by becoming it. When you deny your reality, you are separate from it. But when you embody it, you are it, and you can transform it from that place.

Step Six: Create a New Embodied Experience

Resource: When you resource, you choose to focus on whatever feels good, safe, pleasurable, and loving to you in the moment. We don’t always have to go into the pain! Part of creating a new reality is to bring goodness into your experience.

Loving Compassion: Whatever is happening can be met with your loving compassion. You can hold the shame with tenderness, or hold the fear in your arms. Use the tools you’ve learned to find the part of you that is already loving and compassionate, rather than trying to force a part of you that isn’t ready to feel this way.

Use the two tools below only after you have used resource and loving compassion with this experience.

Visualize a New Reality: This is for when something is wired in a way that doesn’t serve you. You can visualize a different reality for this association. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and visualization. You can also do this somatically by expressing the desired experience/association with your body. I

f you choose to feel/express a new reality consistently enough, you can rewire the way your brain thinks about the experience. In this step, you create another option for this experience. You won’t always choose the new, desired experience, but now you have the choice. You are creating options.

Complete the Cycle: Complete the experience physiologically. According to research by Peter Levine, your body holds onto experiences where you couldn’t do what your body wanted to do. This step is about giving your body an outlet to finish that experience without an interruption.

When you allow the impulse of your body to move the experience through, you restore your choice. For example, if you were yelled at for masturbating and felt fear, the fear may still be stuck in your body. You can move it through your body by shaking, by screaming, by rolling around on the floor… the key is to let your body do what it wants to do (not to think about what it should do).

Completing the cycle can be really intense, or it can be calm and pleasurable. Follow the wisdom of your body.

Always use the first two principles: resource and loving compassion. These will calm and restore your nervous system.

Heal gently! Be kind and gentle with your nervous system. This doesn’t need to all happen in one session. Do only what your body can handle in the moment, and trust that your body will guide you at the pace that you are ready for.

Remember that you are in control of the process, and can stop at any time. You can never take too many breaks or feel too resourced.

Step Seven: Rewrite Your Story Tell your brain the stories that you want to have. This pairs with the neural networks you created in the earlier steps and works from the top down.